How a 12 years-old girl developed her own language-learning application called MinorMynas

Within the technology world, adults are not the only source of innovation anymore. In this post, I will talk about the fascinating story of Hillary Yip, a 12-year-old girl from Hong Kong. While most of her classmates were trapped in admiring and imitating their favorite celebrities, Hillary had different interests than most of her peers; she always loved to read books and learn how to think critically, which helped her gradually develop her unique way to interpret the modern world.

During her early years of childhood, Hillary was sent from her parents to a language summer camp to learn Mandarin. It was at that moment that she developed her passion for language learning. However, apart from her passion for learning languages herself, her innovative mindset led her to think that she could also have an impact on other kids by teaching them new techniques to learn foreign languages.

Following this rewarding summer camp, Hillary came up with the idea of launching her own app called “ MinorMynas”, in which kids from all over the world can interact and learn new languages online. By creating an online educational platform, she enabled kids from different countries to communicate with each other through video calls and chats in order to engage in conversations to learn different languages from one another.

Despite her very young age for being a CEO, Jack Ma invited Hillary to deliver a speech in his entrepreneur’s foundation - Jump Starter. During the interview, she conveyed her innovative thoughts about her ideas. She emphasized that creativity is the most important and precious thing for human. With creativity inside your mind, everyone can be an innovator!

Technology innovation drives creativity for all ages. Hillary Yip's mother always taught her to be critical and brave and to have her own opinion on every issue; "This helps her growth and gradually become an independent thinker". If a child devoted herself to improve education methods and fulfilled her goal within this technological-advanced era, I believe we can all be creative and bring added value to society.
